Hello everyone - I'm not sure what to put in this post except to say that this is all new and a little scary for us older people. I'm a technology person from another era and it's not that I can't learn new ways of spreading information, it's just having things out in public for the world to see is scary. I've been known to say things that get misinterpreted and I'm afraid I will now do that on a global level.
Since I am new to blogging I have found a site that helps with the beginner blogger and that others may find helpful:
I have also found the following locations for information for the Instructional Designer. For those of you reading this blog that are not part of my class, I am putting information for the Instructional Designer on here because I am attempting to earn a master's degree in Instructional Design and Technology and this blog is part of one of our assignments.
I've decided to earn this degree because while I work well at my current position as a Training Specialist I felt that I could learn more to make me better at my job. After doing much research on the topic I found a degree program at Walden University for just this area of expertise. Now after more research, here are some areas you may want to review to see what an Instructional Designer does and how we apply our craft.
This link takes you to Christy Tucker’s site which expands on the definition and role of an Instructional Designer. Christy elaborates on what people perceive is the role of the Instructional Designer and then elaborates what is the actual role. What I especially like about this site are the links on the right side to other relevant blogs and articles. It’s a great source and starting point for anyone looking into the Instructional Design field.
This site also is a great place to learn about the role of the Instructional Designer. There is a great 2:30 video that is used to illustrate an interesting point. Please read and view this site and when you watch the video you will find yourself saying “Wow never even saw that”.
This site is intriguing because it speaks to motivating people to learn or work or just plan self-motivating. Up until now I’ve been thinking of Instructional Design as a position, career or even a title I really hadn’t thought about it in terms of being a motivator. Take a look at this site and see if it brings you new insights.
Good Luck to everyone and I look forward to seeing anyone else’s view points, links and blogs.
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